Diabetesrelaterade Magtarmstörningar
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Välkommen till www Diabetesrelaterade Magtarmstörningar!
Viktig info:
B12-brist i ny belysning Nytt!
Prepulsid (cisaprid) - hjärtarytmi:
Info från Läkemedelsverket Nytt!
kronisk besvärande diarre hos en patient med diabetes - utredning Nytt!
Ambulatory long-term jejunal meanometry in diabetic patients with cardiac
autonomic neuopathy N Hackelsberger et al, Neurogastroenerol Mot
1997;9:77-83 Nytt!
Typ 1 diabetes och coeliaki
Riksstämman - Diabetes och Magtarmstörningar
Diabetesenteropathi - kan bero på coeliaki
Fall1: 30 year male with insulin-dependent diabetes with diarrhea ...
6th United European Gastroenterology Week (UEGW)
18-23 oktober 1997 Birmingham, England
Gastro Diabetes Update:
Motility update
Externa länkar:
The Wasa Workgroup on Intestinal Disorders and Diabetes
G-I on the net links
lösenord/password är "gastro" och "gastro", och sedan för att hämta
datafiler från medical reuter etc är lösenord/password "gastrodiab" och
MedWed Gastroenterology
For the gastroenterology surfer this is one of the best places to start. It provides links to web sites ranging from academic departments to consumer health pages, disease societies, case studies, electronic publications, and conference and meeting listings.
Doctor´s Guide Medical Conferences and Meetings
A more comprehensive list of meetings can be found on this one. Here, listings can be searched by date, subject or location, and information includes accurate contact details for obtaing further information on each conference. It also includes medical news, a patient´s guide, and employment and partnering oppotunities.
GI care sites or Digestive System Diseases at the Karolinska Institute.
Other rich sources of gastroenterology links can be found at this one. The page contains over 150 links to sites realted to: gastrointestinal disorders, including intestinal diseases, peptic ulcer, dysphagia and liver diseases.
The American Gastroenterological Association AGA.
provides details on pubclications, news, clinical guidelines, policy statements
Columbia University Gastroenterology Web site.
Current papers of particular relevance in the field of gastroenterology are listed on a numer of sites including the Columbia University Gastroenterology Web site
Grand Rounds.
There are a number of case studies availabale on the Internet. This, the Medical College of Wisconsin, Div of Gastroenterology Grand Rounds are available in bi-monthly issues.
British Digestive Foundation.
Further case studies can be found at the British Digestiva Foundation site.