Diabetologiskt Nyhetsbrev Juni 2000
Bästa Medlem !
Välkommen att deltaga online dagligen 9-13 juni på Amerikanska Diabetesmötet
i San Antonio, Texas, USA, med senaste nytt uppdaterat för Dig på www.diabetolognytt.com/update/index.html
Nästa nummer av tidningen DiabetologNytt utskickas om cirka 3-4 veckor.
Önskar Dig en fin fortsatt junisommar!
Med vänlig hälsning
Dear College
It´s again time for the American Diabetes Association scientific sesssion,
the 60 one. I have kindly been invited to participate at the meeting
and also give reports at this site to Scandinavian colleges interested
in diabetes in the www.diabetolognytt.com
site online every day
My name is Kaj Lahti and I´m internist at the health center at the town
of Vasa at the west coast of Finland. I serve as a senior physician
at the health center and I´m in charge of the diabetes outpatient clinic
at the center since 1993. Also a great part of the consultations from
the GPs will bee taken care of by our outpatient clinic. At the center
we also have a small investigational unit as a part of the Botnia diabetes
study group. A full time specialized nurse takes care of the main part
of the job, prospective studys, insulin clamp studys etc.
We have regular meetings with the other Botnia study groups both in
Finland and Sweden. The initiator of the study professor Leif Groop
from Malmö, Sweden is still the coordinator of the work. A big part
of the diabetologists work deals with type 2 diabetes and I suppose
that my reports will deal a quite a lot with new approaches to this
big epidemic, however also other things of interest will certainly appear.
All this reports from ADA will be in English- American. The readers
at the www.diabetolognytt.com
will especially be colleges from all Nordic countries. Join us at ADA
reports at this site staring today http://www.diabetolognytt.com/update/index.html
Best wishes
Kaj Lahti
Svensk Förening för Diabetologi (SFD) har nu 2.500 medlemmar och 100.000
besök per månad på www.diabetolognytt.com
Tidningen Diabetolognytt
www.sdn.nu Svenskt Diabetologiskt Nätverk
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* Välkommen till SDN! http://www.sdn.nu
* Välkommen till Dagens Diabetes med daglig uppdatering http://www.diabetolognytt.com/update/index.html
Stig Attvall, MD, PhD
Diabetic Centre Sahlgrenska University Hospital
SE-413 45 Gothenburg Sweden
Fax +46 31 27 00 87
Phone +46 31 342 10 00