Lena.Stenson-Holst, Institutionen för Cell - och Molekylärbiologi, Lund den 13 :e januari, 1999 kl
Hormone-Sensitive Lipase and Protein Kinase B - Molecular characterization in testis, adipose
tissue and pancreatic b cells
Lena Stenson Holst
Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) and protein kinase B (PKB) are enzymes that in different ways
are associated with lipid metabolism. While HSL is the well-known lipolytic enzyme responsible
for hydrolysis of stored triacylglycerols in adipose tissue, PKB is a recently identified
serine/threonine protein kinase, ubiquitously expressed and involved in signal transduction
pathways induced by insulin and growth factors.
Here, with focus on lipid-containing tissues from which information on their presence was
previously scarce or lacking, expression of HSL in testis and expression/regulation of PKB in
adipocytes and pancreatic b cells are reported.
A testicular isoform of HSL (HSLtes) is formed through addition of a unique N-terminal
domain, comprising 300 amino acids, to the 768/775 amino acids, respectively, of rat and
human HSLadi, i.e., the adipocyte form. The testis-specific part is more hydrophilic than
HSLadi. In man, this addition occurs through alternative splicing of a testis-specific exon
located 16 kb upstream of the first exon encoding HSLadi. HSLtes expression occurs primarily
in spermatozoa and maturing sperm and not in the endocrine Leydig cells. HSLtes appears to
exert a lipase/cholesterol esterase activity similar to that of HSLadi but its exact role is yet
PKB isoforms (a, b and g) are expressed in rat adipocytes and b cells of pancreatic islets.
Insulin stimulation of rat adipocytes leads to rapid and reversible phosphorylation and activation
of PKB. Activation of PKB by the insulin-mimetic compound peroxovanadate is associated
with translocation of PKB from the cytosol to the membrane fraction of rat adipocytes. In
clonal b cells, PKB is phosphorylated and activated upon stimulation with IGF-I. In both cells,
the activation of PKB is abolished through inhibition of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K),
suggesting a position for PKB down-stream of PI3K in signalling by insulin/IGF-I in these cells.
Section for Molecular Signalling
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
Lund University, S-221 00 Lund, Sweden
List of papers
I. Stenson Holst, L., Hoffmann, A.M., Mulder, H., Sundler, F., Holm, C., Bergh, A. and
Fredrikson, G. (1994): Localization of hormone-sensitive lipase to rat Sertoli cells and its
expression in developing and degenerating testes. FEBS Lett 355, 125-30.
II. Stenson Holst, L., Langin, D., Mulder, H., Laurell, H., Grober, J., Bergh, A.,
Mohrenweiser, H.W., Edgren, G. and Holm, C. (1996): Molecular cloning, genomic
organization, and expression of a testicular isoform of hormone-sensitive lipase. Genomics 35,
III. Wijkander, J., Stenson Holst, L., Rahn, T., Resjö, S., Castan, I., Manganiello, V.,
Belfrage, P. and Degerman, E. (1997): Regulation of protein kinase B in rat adipocytes by
insulin, vanadate, and peroxovanadate. Membrane translocation in response to
peroxovanadate. J Biol Chem 272, 21520-6.
IV. Stenson Holst, L., Mulder, H., Manganiello, V., Sundler, F., Ahrén, B., Holm, C. and
Degerman, E. (1998): Protein kinase B is expressed in pancreatic beta cells and activated upon
stimulation with insulin-like growth factor I. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 250, 181-6.
Från Avdelningen för Molekylär Signalering Institutionen för Cell - och
Molekylärbiologi Akademisk avhandling som för vinnande av doktorsexamen
i medicinsk vetenskap vid Medicinska fakulteten i Lund kommer att offentligen
försvaras i Hörsal A, Kemicentrum, Lund fredagen den 11 december 1998,
kl. 915 Fakultetsopponent: Docent Lars Rönnstrand Ludwig Institute for
Cancer Research BMC, Uppsala