Medlemstidning för Svensk Förening för Diabetologi

Evidensbaserad medicin Online

  Nyhetsbrev för evidensbaserad medicin (EBM) tillhandahålls i fulltext online från EBM Research Center of New York Academy of Medicine and the American College of Physician på adressen:

  Abstracts of Cochrane Reviews i fulltext återfinns på adressen:

   Antihypertensive therapy in diabetes mellitus Are angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors useful for normotensive diabetic patients with microalbuminuria? Diabetes care:the effectiveness of systems for routine surveillance for people with diabetes. Protein restriction in diabetic renal disease The efficacy of aldose reductase inhibitors in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy

• Protocols
   ”Human ”insulin and animal insulin compared: is hypoglycaemic awareness influenced by insulin species? Effects of intensified insulin treatment in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) Lipid modulation in insulin dependent diabetes mellitus The effectiveness of diet supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids to improve glycaemic control and reduce total serum lipids in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Treatments for erectile dysfunction in diabetic patients


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