INSÄNT AV JOE GRUBICH DEN 27 :e DECEMBER, 1997 vid 14 - tiden
SOM REPLIK PÅ: Invitation to visit the Diabetics Unite Homepage INSÄNT AV Deanna Gaston DEN 23 :e OKTOBER, 1997 vid 23 - tiden
I fianly found your page.
I am writing to urge you to help find a cure for diabetes so that over 16 million Americans have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I am so upset that the American government, as quoted by the ADA “spends $1,700 for research on each person with AIDS; however they spend only $20 for each person with diabetes”. *Note: Diabetes Forecast January 1998 page 41.
Nearly 1 billion dollars have been diverted from diabetes research over the last ten years. Mr. Langford of Georgia refuses to support people with diabetes. I sure hope that all the people with diabetes do not support Mr. Langford in the next election and may he get for Christmas the worst case ever of Type II diabetes that would require him to have to take 5 insulin shots a day and 6 blood tests a day.
Bad eye sight, your feet turn blue, you could lose your legs and a very bad case of neuropathy are side effects of diabetes. You can tell that I am very angry; but the good news is that we practically have a cure. We have seen it in the headlines:
EVMS zeros in on Diabetes Gene (Virginia Pilot)
The Man Who Could Cure Diabetes (Virginia Pilot)
Diabetes Gene Discovered (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Insulin Gene May Be Hope for Diabetics (Daily Press)
“In the last ten years the percentage of government research dollars dedicated to diabetes shrank by 33 percent between 1987 and 1997.” (ADA January 1998 page 42)
Nearly 1 billion dollars in diabetes research was diverted to other higher profile areas between 1987 and 1997. More than 16 million Americans have diabetes and about 6 million don’t even know they have the disease. More than 160,000 Americans will be killed by diabetes in 1997. According to the government, diabetes costs Americans $137 billion in medical care and lost productivity.
So please let’s cut our loses and find the cure . It is at our finger tips and if we could keep only 8 million of the diabetics out of the doctor’s office, look at the money that could be saved later on in life when it is really rough. The ADA, most doctors, and medical manufacturers treat diabetes like their next pay check. “Look, here’s another diabetic. At this rate I’ll be able to retire early!”
I am some what aware of the new federal law and I agree with Newt Gingrich that even the new federal law is not enough and although here I set with legs and feet numb, abdominal and back pain, stomach problems, neuropathy, blurry eye sight, gastrointestinal problems, and 4 insulin injections per day, plus 4 to 5 blood tests per day, I still suffer from American people that have the need to make the all mighty dollar from a diabetic. We are first class citizens. We pay our taxes and have fought for our country.
Please help us and find a cure for diabetes.
Joe Grubich
December 24, 1997/TO: Whomever please let the president read this.