Re: Re: NY peroral behandlingsmöjlighet av typ 2 diabetes ...

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INSÄNT AV Troglitazone Normalizes Impaired Glucose Tolerance DEN 07 :e FEBRUARI, 1997 vid 20 - tiden

SOM REPLIK PÅ: Re: NY peroral behandlingsmöjlighet av typ 2 diabetes ... INSÄNT AV Red DEN 07 :e FEBRUARI, 1997 vid 20 - tiden

Troglitazone Normalizes Impaired Glucose Tolerance

Troglitazone (Rezulin) improves oral glucose
tolerance in NIDDM patients, according to results of a new study carried out by the
drug's manufacturer.

Dr. Randall Whitcomb of Warner-Lambert, Ann Arbor, MI, and colleagues
randomly assigned 51 patients with impaired glucose tolerance to placebo or 400
mg troglitazone every morning. Forty-six patients completed the 12-week study.

The investigators report, in Diabetes Care for February, that "...within 6 weeks
and continuing for up to 12 weeks, troglitazone treatment significantly improves
postglucose glycemic response in patients with [impaired glucose tolerance],
causing the majority of those treated with the drug to convert to normal glucose
tolerance." Evidence from this study and others, the authors add, "...suggests that
troglitazone also may improve insulin sensitivity in patients with [impaired glucose
tolerance]. It is possible that such treatment could prevent or delay conversion
from [impaired glucose tolerance] to frank NIDDM" in high-risk patients.

Troglitazone was recently approved by the FDA "...for use in patients with type II
diabetes currently on insulin whose hyperglycemia is inadequately controlled
despite insulin therapy." The company hopes to expand the indication to include
patients with impaired glucose tolerance and for women with a history of
gestational diabetes and polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Diabetes Care 1997;20:188-193.

Red DiabetologNytt


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