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Diabetes and well-being. Nytt IDF tema 2024-26

We are pleased to communicate that Diabetes and Well-being has been chosen as the theme for World Diabetes Day 2024 to 2026.

Activities over the three years will aim to:  

·        Promote the adoption of healthy habits and advocate for policies that promote health from a young age to help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and improve diabetes outcomes.

·        Encourage the early detection of diabetes and intermediate glycaemia (“pre-diabetes”) in people at high risk and promote action to address the modifiable risk factors. 

·        Increase awareness of the impact of diabetes on mental health and the factors that may result in discrimination, prejudice and stigma experienced by people living with diabetes. 

Thematic areas that will be addressed include: 

·        Physical well-being: the importance of physical activity and a healthy diet to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and manage all types of diabetes and its related complications. 

·        Societal well-being: highlighting the barriers that restrict a person living with diabetes from living a healthy and fulfilling life with their condition.  

·        Mental well-being: raising awareness of the challenges, stress and anxiety that living with a chronic condition like diabetes can bring and highlighting the importance of addressing the mental health aspects as part of a person with diabetes’ management and treatment plan. 
